Withdrawal of mechanical ventilation protocol
Medical Provider Preparations - Provider is to assure that:
□ 末期病人符合不施行心肺復甦術的條件。
□ 已會同另一位相關專科醫師診斷確為末期病人。
□4.由主治醫療團隊召開緩和醫療家庭會議並開立緩和醫療家庭諮詢費(Palliative Care family Conference Fee)之治療醫囑。
□ 撤除維生醫療之目標並非立即導致死亡,撤除後病人仍可能存活一段時間後依自然病程進入死亡。
□ 會盡量考量病人或家屬之需求,照護之目標在於舒適與尊嚴。
□ 若病人狀況允許考慮撤除後行器官捐贈。
□7.主治醫師已開立撤除維生醫療(Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment)之醫囑。同時與護理師、和呼吸治療師(RT)討論醫囑。
□9.移除不必要之監測,僅留 EKG monitor 及/或 oximeter.
預定撤除維生醫療措施之時間:西元____年__月__ 日 __時
2. Nursing Preparations (護理準備):
□ 停止所有醫囑, including routine vital signs, blood glucose, lab orders, x-rays, medications, enteral feedings, IV fluids, and infusions of Propofol and paralytic agents. (If patient has been on paralytic agent, return of motor function must be demonstrated).
□ Discontinue monitors in patient's room and remove nasogastric tubes, blood pressure and leg compression cuffs.
□ Notify on-call team of impending withdrawal.
3. Nursing Care: (護理照護)
• 如果家屬希望,可讓家屬參與呼吸器的移除。
• 將頭部與床維持 30 - 45度。
• 預防死前喉鳴:可施予 Buscopan 20 mg IV stat
• 預防拔管後哮鳴:可施予 Solucortef 100 mg IV stat
• 照會安寧團隊與支持家庭喪親之痛。如果病人在拔管後1小時,病情 穩定,可轉入單人病房由原本醫療團隊與安寧團隊接手照顧。
4. Ventilator (check one):
□ Extubate to nasal cannula 2 L/minute. May administer below PRN morphine, fentanyl and/or lorazepam 10 minutes prior to extubation.
□ Terminal wean
• Change ventilator mode to SIMV with rate 12/min and pressure support (PS) 5 cm, FiO2 0.5 and PEEP 5 cm.
• Reduce FiO2 to 0.30 and PEEP to zero over less than 5 minutes and titrate comfort medications.
• When patient is comfortable, wean rate to 4/min and again titrate comfort medications.
• When comfort achieved, either (check one):
□ extubate to nasal cannula 2L/min. or ______________________________. □ place on T piece with FiO2 0.3
5. Medications:
• To treat discomfort related to pain and/or dyspnea (check one):
□ Morphine 5 mg IV every 10 minutes PRN discomfort. Or Morphine ______ (range 1-10) mg IV every 10 minutes PRN discomfort
□ Fentanyl 50 micrograms IV every 10 minutes PRN discomfort. Or Fentanyl _______ (range 25-100) micrograms IV every 10 minutes PRN discomfort
□ Morphine drip at current rate or at ________ mg/hr. May give additional IV morphine bolus up to 50% the current hourly rate every 10 minutes. May increase infusion rate by 25% every 10 minutes for signs of discomfort not relieved by bolus.
□ Fentanyl drip at current rate or at _______mcg/hr. May give additional IV fentanyl bolus up to 50% the current hourly rate every 10 minutes. May increase infusion rate by 25% every 10 minutes for signs of discomfort not relieved by bolus.
□ Other opiate:__________________________________________________
□ None, Notify physician if patient shows signs of discomfort
• To treat discomfort related to agitation or anxiety (check one):
□ Lorazepam 1-2 mg IV every 10 minutes PRN discomfort
□ Lorazepam drip at current rate or at ________ (range 1-10) mg/hr. May give additional IV lorazepam bolus up to 50% the current hourly rate every 10 minutes. May increase infusion rate by 25% every 15 minutes for signs of discomfort not relieved by bolus.
□ Midazolam 1-2 mg IV every 10 minutes PRN discomfort Midazolam drip at current rate or at ________ (range 1-10) mg/hr. May give additional IV Midazolam bolus up to 50% the current hourly rate every 10 minutes. May increase infusion rate by 25% every 15 minutes for signs of discomfort not relieved by bolus.
□ Other benzodiazepine: _________________________________
□ None; notify physician if patient shows signs of discomfort.
• To prevent high oral secretion. A.k.a. “dead rattle”. (check below)
□ Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg IV at least 30 minutes prior to extubation.
□ Follow by Glycopyrrolate 0.2mg IV every _____ hours as needed (range 4-8hr) for high oral secretion.
□ For significant thin oral secretions, scopolamine 1.5mg patch
• For temp greater than 38.2° C, give Voltaren 25-50mg per rectum every 8 hours PRN.
6. Discontinue vasopressors, inotropes and antiarrhythmics simultaneous with either extubation or placement on T piece
7. Inform attending team of patient’s death to pronounce whenever that occurs.
1. Stacy KM. Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment A Case Study. Critical care nurse, 2012;32[3]:14-24.
2. Reference to ventilator withdrawal policies. Massachusetts General Hospital Policy and Procedures: Limitation of Life Sustaining Treatment Policy. Harborview Medical Center-University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington, “Comfort Care Orders for the Withdrawal of Life Support in the ICU.” The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Policy: “Procedure for Withdrawal of Life Support in the MICU/MCP.” Hospice and Palliative Care of Metropolitan Washington Protocol: “Discontinuing of Ventilator Support.” 2001.
3. Physician’s order set / Protocol withdrawal of life sustaining measures – New Hanover Regional Medical center. NS-1787. 0064 (2007. V5.)
4. Riker R, Picard J, Fraser G. Prospective evaluation of the sedation-agitation scale in adult ICU patients. Crit. Care Med 1999; 27:1325-1329.
5. Simmons L, Riker R, Prato B, Fraser G. Assessing sedation in ventilated ICU patients with the bispectral index and the sedation-agitation scale. Crit. Care Med 1999; 27:1499-1504.
6. Brandl K, Langley K, Riker R, Dork L, Quails C, Levy H. Confirming the reliability of the Sedation-AgitationScale in ICU nurses without prior experience in its use. Pharmacotherapy 2001; 21:431-436.
7. Richard R, Gilles L, Lavone E , Micheline L. Validating the Sedation-Agitation Scale with the bispectral index and visual analog scale in adult ICU patients after cardiac surgery. Intensive Care Med 2001; 27:853- 858.
8. Massachusetts General Hospital, Medical ICU Project (2006, July): Ventilator Withdrawal Guidelines. http://www.aacn.org/WD/Palliative/Docs/mgh8.pdf